Monday, December 3, 2012

While most of these posts may not seem like huge updates, they do take me awhile. As one can tell from the previous post the entire game will be using a 2D art style using sprites. I've messed around with sprites before but I still think there is a lot for me to learn. I know that this "game idea" may take a very long time to manifest into anything that is remotely playable. This project has no schedule or order. I just sort of create a bit of something here and there.

Back to the business at hand. I will be posting character portraits and their battle-sprites along with a light bio. These will be edited as time goes on.



Commander Type: Warrior
Class: Sword&Pistol

The main protagonist of the story and general of the game's starting nation.

Any ideas or objects posted here are subject to change. 

So, I have an idea for a game. It will be a risk-like strategic rpg. I have a rough-draft of the story down and have started on some of the sprites. It will be a lot of work and I plan to update this blog with my progress. I literally started planning out the mechanics and layout of the game a few days ago. I started spriting last night.

Here are a few of the basic units.

(This one still might need some work)

Here is what commanders might look like

I haven't decided if I will do 3, 6, or 9 frame action animations yet.

How battle party will look

Also I was wondering if any of you know of a decent program to build this thing in? I'd rather not use rpg maker or anything like that. Suggestions and comments are welcome.